The annual TIAA Health Benefits Seminar was held on Thursday, October 12, at the Plano Event Center, 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway. Over one hundred TI retirees and their spouses signed-up online and an even larger number was in attendance.
First, Arthur Herriott, Assistant General Manager of the Texins Fitness Center confirmed during his presentation that the center’s facilities are open to all TI retirees.
He was followed by our main speaker Bill Wei, a Via Benefits’ Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)®. In fact, he is the one who led the initial team who transitioned TI retirees over to Via Benefits in 2015.
He discussed, “Medicare Made Easier”, an informative session on Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage (Part C), Medigap and drugs (Part D) plans. He also reviewed some of VIA Benefits enrollment and participation procedures.
It was an excellent and easy-to-follow presentation. A video of the program is available by clicking HERE.