Other Education Opportunities

Perspectives Matter

A McCuistion Program, is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization that does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds.               Interviews of experts on varied topics.

KERA (Ch. 13) Sundays – 11:30am to Noon


DFW World Affairs Council

Events – World Affairs Council (dfwworld.org)

Alliance Francaise

French Classes. https://www.afdallas.org/our-events/francophoniemonth/#/


TECHNICIAN associate degree programs in Community Colleges.

Links for the following below: = EDUCATION & WORKFORCE PBS NewsHour = COMMUNITY COLLEGES & “New World Order” = SKILLED TRADES — Beat out Four-Year College Grads = ROBOTS Replace Professors: Colleges taken over by Wall Street Equity Firms.

Young People should consider other options besides “Elite” Four-Year Colleges and Universities (Harvard, Yale, or the Big State Universities) while taking on massive student loan debt –The “Career Market” has changed forever — Learn Robotics, Micro, Electrical and Factory Machine Technology in two-year COMMUNITY COLLEGE Apprenticeship programs –We have an over-supply of high-status managers, lawyers, and engineers — always victims of layoffs — and now COLLEGE PROFESSORS — are also being replaced by ROBOTS and AI Computer software –The REAL demand is for — Machinists, Welders, Factory Machine Mechanics, and Robotics Technicians -These people are now very high-tech, using laptop computers –Two-year Community Colleges and State Technical schools also provide advanced training in ” Micro – chip” and ” Nano – technology”. — BELOW are four links

(1) https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.vma.org/resource/resmgr/vm_fall08_tomorrow_s_workfor.pdf

(2) https://www.michiganradio.org/tags/skilled-trades

(3) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/decades-pushing-bachelors-degrees-u-s-needs-tradespeople

(4) https://www.dallascollege.edu/news/pages/newsitem.aspx?ArticleId=170

Contact former TIer Glen W Spielbauer (look in Directory Search) for info.


Richland College Emeritus Program

The Emeritus plus 50 Program provides affordable, quality education to enable individuals 50 and over to stay intellectually challenged and enriched, physically fit and socially connected through stellar services. It offers volunteer opportunities to promote Richland College student success and builds community partnerships by providing life long learning at retirement facilities.

Our FREE email newsletter, Emeri-News, can keep you in the Emeritus plus 50 loop! Receive our printable monthly schedule and be informed of our daily, weekend and evening offerings and lectures. Receive timely and informative updates via email regarding tours, class changes, upcoming events, and more!

Call here to subscribe to Emeri-News: 972-238-6100

Community College SAIL Program for seniors

Collin County Community College District is a student and community-centered institution committed to developing skills, strengthening character, and challenging the intellect.

Through its campuses, centers and programs Collin County Community College District fulfills its statutory charge to provide:

  • Academic courses in the arts and sciences to transfer to senior institutions.
  • Technical programs, leading to associate degrees or certificates, designed to develop marketable skills and promote economic development.
  • Continuing adult education programs for academic, professional, occupational and cultural enhancement.
  • Developmental education and literacy programs designed to improve the basic skills of students.
  • A program of student development services and learning resources designed to assist individuals in achieving their educational and career goals.
  • Workforce, economic, and community development initiatives designed to meet local and statewide needs.
  • Other purposes as may be directed by the Collin Board of Trustees and/or the laws of the State of Texas.

Contact former TIer Bob Wacker (look in Directory Search) for info.

Other Education Opportunities for Seniors

Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program

If your income is $1,945/month or less, and you have not written a will or other important legal documents, the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program will be hosting a wills clinic at The Senior Source, 3910 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas  on October 24.  You have to make an appointment.    

Call Gretchen Feinhals, 214-823-5700 x6118, if you have questions.

Richland College Emeritus Program

The Emeritus plus 50 Program provides affordable, quality education to enable individuals 50 and over to stay intellectually challenged and enriched, physically fit and socially connected through stellar services. It offers volunteer opportunities to promote Richland College student success and builds community partnerships by providing life long learning at retirement facilities.

Our FREE email newsletter, Emeri-News, can keep you in the Emeritus plus 50 loop! Receive our printable monthly schedule and be informed of our daily, weekend and evening offerings and lectures. Receive timely and informative updates via email regarding tours, class changes, upcoming events, and more!

Call here to subscribe to Emeri-News:  972-238-6100

Community College SAIL Program for seniors

Collin County Community College District is a student and community-centered institution committed to developing skills, strengthening character, and challenging the intellect.

Through its campuses, centers and programs Collin County Community College District fulfills its statutory charge to provide:

  • Academic courses in the arts and sciences to transfer to senior institutions.
  • Technical programs, leading to associate degrees or certificates, designed to develop marketable skills and promote economic development.
  • Continuing adult education programs for academic, professional, occupational and cultural enhancement.
  • Developmental education and literacy programs designed to improve the basic skills of students.
  • A program of student development services and learning resources designed to assist individuals in achieving their educational and career goals.
  • Workforce, economic, and community development initiatives designed to meet local and statewide needs.
  • Other purposes as may be directed by the Collin Board of Trustees and/or the laws of the State of Texas.

Contact former TIer Bob Wacker (look in Directory Search) for info.

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