OneExchange, the service TI retirees use to gain post-65 health insurance coverage and/or manage RRA reimbursements, has officially changed its name to Via Benefits.
The new brand name was chosen to emphasize the service the company provides in helping retirees gain coverage that suits their needs. The word via literally means “traveling through a place to a destination.”
Functionality and services provided will not alter due to the brand change. However, the look and feel of Via Benefits’ solutions, websites, and communications materials have shifted to align with new branding. To avoid concerns or confusion, Via Benefits will reference their former brand, OneExchange, for one year in both spoken and written materials.
The web address that retirees have used will still access the company. There will be redirects in place indefinitely, meaning that the old web address or URL will be redirected to the new web address which is: If the old OneExchange URL is bookmarked, the URL will redirect to the new URL. Retirees should use the same login credentials and navigation pathways currently used to access Shop & Compare, My Account, Funds & Reimbursements, Help & Support, etc.
You do not need to take any action and should have already received some communications on this branding change. After March 1, keep an eye out for Via Benefits mail/email communications.
If you have any questions or concerns on the name change, Via Benefits’ service centers and customer service personnel are briefed with information to help address any concerns. There is no change to the phone number. Please continue to call 844-638-4642 (Mon-Fri 7am-8pm Central) for assistance.