TI Founders Community Impact Award
The TI Founders Community Service Awards are named in honor of TI founders Erik Jonsson, Eugene McDermott, Cecil Green, and Pat Haggerty, who set the standard for TI employees to be involved in their communities. Created for TI’s 80th anniversary, these annual awards recognize outstanding TI employees and retirees who work to improve their communities in sites around the world.
If you know a TI colleague, retiree, or team who is making an impact in their communities through volunteering please take two minutes to nominate them by May 3, here.
The nominees will have the opportunity to provide details on their volunteering through an application that will be emailed to them after they are nominated.
The winner will receive $10,000 to give to the nonprofit (or NGO) of their choice. This award is given every other year and honors TI retirees who embody the philanthropic spirit of TI’s founders to “build stronger communities.”
For questions, contact Isaac Chambers (i-chambers@ti.com). Thank you!