George W. Bush Museum Trip, December 1, 2015

Dec 26, 2015

Thirty-one TIAA travelers and their guests revisited Christmas 2003 at the George W. Bush Museum on December 1.  President Bush was in office for eight tumultuous years and we wandered thru those times at the museum. There were the early years (family, oil ventures in west Texas, the Texas Rangers and governing Texas); his historic election in 2000 (remember the hanging chads?); the 9/11 tragedy which made him a War President (and we could actually touch one of the steel girders from the World Trade Center) really gave us a small glimmer of what it is like to be President of the United States.  There is an entire section of the Christmas decorations from that time at the White House (imagine decorating 18 trees!) which was very interesting to see as were the various videos showing moments in his life.  We finished up with lunch at Campisi's Egyptian Pizza (no Mafia in sight) before returning to the Texins. 

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