Fort Worth Zoo Trip, November, 2015

Nov 22, 2015

Fifteen TIAA members and guests participated in a journey to the Fort Worth Zoo on a cool, cloudy November 4. We visited their natural habitat exhibits where we were often only separated from the animals by a river or a pane of glass. Founded in 1909, this is the oldest continuous zoo site in Texas, and they have conservation programs that rank among the most respected in the world.  There are 556 different species on site and we saw the zoo's newest members of the lion pride who were born this spring.  They only weighed two pounds at birth but will grow to 300 – 400 pounds.  After wandering around the zoo for two hours, we relaxed, rested and visited while enjoying lunch at the Old Neighborhood Grill before boarding the bus to return to TI around 2:30 pm.

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