Dallas Ramps build another ramp, May 5, 2016

May 8, 2016


The client is a 73-year-old woman, Libbie, who was a delight and couldn't thank us enough for our work. She lives in her mother's house that was built in the '70's and spends most of her time looking out the plate-glass window in the living room.  Her mobility is very impaired so she uses a walker or a cane, moves very slowly and needs someone to support her arm frequently. Obviously, she has a hard time maneuvering stairs. She has medical issues with her back and legs that have forced her to depend on her family, and she had to give up driving and donated her car to a granddaughter. She always tells her everyone that her mother had her sister, who is nine years younger, so Bernice would be there to take care of Libbie when she was older — and it became true. She loves plants (we had to remove several clumps of iris and wandering jew to build the ramp) and has beautiful red and white roses next to the house and colorful yellow lantana around her light pole in the front yard. She plans to paint the railings on the ramp her favorite color – baby blue– to match the trim on the house. She can now come out to enjoy her plants, the sunshine and bring in the mail whenever she wishes. Her sister, Bernice, worked for several years in TI's Drafting Department and lives in Grand Prairie with her husband so it's a long trip to help Libbie. Bernice is also very grateful that she has a way to get Libbie in and out of the house now without worrying about falls.

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