2015 On-My-Own-Time Art Exhibit

Apr 24, 2018

Dallas-area TI retirees and TIAA members – and their spouses – were invited to display their creative talents and take part in the 2015 On My Own Time (OMOT) competition. OMOT is an employee art competition organized by the Business Council for the Arts. The council's goal is to recognize and encourage creativity, stimulate dialog and build team spirit among employees in the North Texas region. TI Retiree, Ted Houston, is TI’s representative to the Business Council for the Arts. This year all categories (visual and literary arts) were open to TI retirees and TIAA members including the new Collaborative Category where three or more individuals can create an entry of visual art or literacy art. In the past, teams from other corporations have knitted quilts, compiled short essays, and collaborated on a painting etc.

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