2004 Texas Instruments Retiree Luncheon

Apr 25, 2018


TI President and CEO Rich Templeton was upbeat about the company’s future Nov. 10 at the annual Big Event saluting TI retirees. Rich spoke on the state of TI to approximately 1,000 retirees, spouses, TI volunteers and exhibitors at Market Hall in Dallas. “The financial numbers pretty much tell the story,” Rich said, citing a strong rebound over the past two years following the market’s last downturn.  “TI’s revenue has been growing faster than our semiconductor competitors. That’s good news, because in a brutally competitive marketplace, TI has been gaining market share.” In the third quarter, revenue was $3.25 billion. That was up 28 percent from the same period in 2003, but was essentially flat compared to the second quarter. Excellent third quarter results in wireless and digital light processing (DLP) were offset by some weakness in some analog product lines, Rich said. TI sales declined at some companies that distribute TI analog products, as these customers worked to burn off the excess.

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