2001 Texas Instruments Retiree Luncheon

Apr 25, 2018


More than 1,500 retirees and guests were on hand to hear words of encouragement from Tom Engibous, Texas Instruments Chairman, President and CEO, at the TI Roundup on Oct. 11 at the Mesquite Rodeo Arena. It had been exactly one month since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, when hijacked airliners crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington and a Pennsylvania field. The TI leader addressed how those events have changed the world and how, closer to home, have impacted TIers. “The world is a different place than it was at the same time last year,” Tom said. “This year, there is excessive uncertainty regarding terrorism, the economy and the stock market. To sit around and become a victim of uncertainty is not the thing to do.” Tom said many people who grew up in times of prosperity have seen nothing else. However, the good times were created by hard work in the hard times. “I like the response of Winston Churchill, who said: ‘History will be kind to me, because I intend to write it,’” Tom commented. “At TI, we intend to write history in our space,” he added.

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