2000 Texas Instruments Retiree Luncheon

Apr 25, 2018


The annual TI Big Event once again lived up to its name this year with an experience that proved to be bigger and better than ever. The TI Retiree Roundup and Rodeo, held Sept. 14 at the Mesquite Rodeo Convention Center, attracted some 2,000 participants and some very special guests. “TIers just like to get together and visit,” commented Max Post, president of the TI Alumni Association, which presented the event. “In every survey [completed about the event], the number one interest in attending is the opportunity to get together and visit with former associates.” Many also came to hear noted financial expert Scott Burns, who returned by popular demand to address money matters of interest to retirees. Although problems with the sound system made it difficult for some to hear, Scott provided informative hand-outs of his talk for everyone present, which allowed them to still receive the benefit of his wisdom.

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