Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
Join us for this legendary event (going on since 1846)! The show offers an atmosphere rich in culture and diversity as professional rodeo athletes compete. There’s lots of animals up-close-and-personal, including horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry, pigeons, rabbits and even llamas. This is great for the whole family including a festive carnival/midway, unique shopping and hands-on educational experiences.
So, take your seats as the spotlight shines on top African American, Hispanic and Native American cowboys and cowgirls competing in traditional rodeo events, like bull riding, steer wrestling and tie-down roping. Taking place on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the rodeo features more than 200 culturally diverse athletes, bringing a variety of color and culture to the rodeo.
We will depart at 9:15 am, ride a bus to Fort Worth, look around the grounds, eat lunch on our own, and enjoy the 2:00 show. We should return to TI around 5:30 pm. Price is $38.00 which includes admission to the grounds, the rodeo and transportation.