Guidelines for TIAA Leadership Team as of 4/15/21

This policy will be revised when needed and reviewed in detail at least annually by the TIAA President, or a Leadership Team member designated by the TIAA President, for consistency between policy and current practice.



The governing body of the TIAA is the Board of Directors which is led by the TIAA president and consists of the four elected officers and one past president appointed by the President.


The Leadership Team (LT), which is also led by the TIAA President, takes charge of the day-to-day operations of TIAA, and it is subservient to the TIAA Board of Directors.

The LT consists of the five members of the Board of Directors and the appointed vice presidents, all of whom are voting members. All past presidents of TIAA, the Administrator and the CIO are non-voting members of the LT.  Additional non-voting members can be appointed by the president.



Meetings of the LT are called by the President. Regular meetings typically take place on the third Thursday of even-numbered months.

Attendance at meetings, which may include attendance by electronic means, is limited to LT members and others invited by the President.


For formal business to be transacted at LT meetings, a quorum of voting members must be present.  A quorum is defined as more than 50% of the voting members.  A majority vote, defined as more than 50% of those voting, is required for a motion to pass.



Minutes of formal meetings of the LT are taken by the TIAA Secretary and approved by the LT.


Recruiting and Filling Open Vacancies of Officer Positions

The LT assists and advises the President on candidates for vacant appointed officer positions.


Other Functions

The LT confers with and makes recommendations to the TIAA President and Board of Directors on the following matters:


  • Bylaw changes
  • Strategic direction for the organization
  • Membership rules and fees
  • Establishing and setting responsibilities for standing committees
  • Other matters which the LT feels need the attention or action of the Board of Directors.


Created by Larry James 4/15/21





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