This policy will be revised when needed and reviewed in detail at least annually by the Activities Committee Chair for consistency between policy and current practice.


Texas Instruments (TI) has a long-standing tradition of support and involvement in communities, local governments, business and civic associations in locations where TI has a presence. Over the years, TI's commitment has focused on many different things related to corporate social responsibility, including: corporate philanthropy, support for employee volunteering, building a secure and responsible supply chain and investing in STEM education to help build the future pipeline of engineers. TIAA works with TI to support its community volunteer priorities and its focus on education. In addition the TIAA Activities Committee's goal is to make it fun to be part of TIAA, to welcome new members and gather ideas for improving the Association. The Activities Committee, in partnership with appropriate TI staff, is responsible for volunteer community activities, travel events, charity golf tournaments, TIAA annual business meetings and other social functions of the Association.  It coordinates the TI Retiree Luncheon for TI in the fall as well as other events as assigned. It acts as a reception committee at all events which it arranges such as:

Offering community involvement to sort clothes, sack up groceries, plant community gardens, support Veteran groups, visit nursing homes, etc.
Hosting TI's Annual Retiree Luncheon to highlight local non-profit organizations, socialize with friends, and hear an update on TI’s business by a TI speaker.
Scheduling travel opportunities to museums, sporting events, animal sanctuaries, plays, musical performances, and manufacturing facilities.
Setting up the TIAA Annual Meeting to elect officers, and selecting interesting and fun locations to visit for the meeting, such as The Dallas Arboretum, the Perot Museum of Nature & Science, etc.
Conducting the annual TIAA charity golf tournament to benefit non-profits, such as The Senior Source and the United Way of Greater Dallas
Acting as a network for other TI alumni groups by reporting meetings and contacts.

Currently, the Activities Committee is composed of these members:

Dot Adler
Marilyn Adams
Annzelle Boswell
Greg Boydston
Jerry Brandenburg
Ronnie Brandenburg
Jon Campbell
George Consolver
Dorothy Delamater
Verdie Furguson
Debi Heaton
Tammy Hernandez
Roberta Hill
Larry James
Lewis McMahan
Courtney Miller
Max Post (Chair)
Betty Purkey
Peggy Ripple
Kate Rose
Jessica Stewart
Gary Stopani
Linda Stopani


This committee normally meets on the third Thursday of every month at 10:00 am, and everyone is invited to become a member of the Activities Committee to help plan future events. Note: As previously announced, all current activities and meetings have been postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch our webpage and any updates.

TIAA members and their guests are welcome to participate in any or all of these activities but please register at least seven days prior to the event. To register online and receive an electronic acknowledgement, first logon to this website, click on Calendar, select the event you wish to join, click on Event Registration Page, click on Register Now and fill in the blanks.  Or, you may contact the TIAA office via email or phone 214-567-8444.

Updated by Max Post on August 17, 2020


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